ParishSOFT Census for Dioceses
Census is your trusted source for complete, accurate data for every family, sacrament, organization, staff member, and volunteer in your diocese. Census also provides you with the tools you need to manage staff positions and control various administrative functions.
Support Your Parishes Like Never Before
When your diocese is empowered with accurate, real-time information on every parish, you can better allocate resources to manage staff and organizations as well as power ministry, evangelization, and appeals efforts.
Leverage Data from Across Your Parish
Census stores every record from every parish in your diocese. And it’s always up to date. Census is the single source, so you always see the same data as the staff as your parishes see. Your staff can use this real-time information to make informed, data-driven decisions that impact your ministry.
Get a Strategic Software Partner
ParishSOFT doesn’t just make church management software — our service and support staff make us a strategic technology partner for our customers. Whether your diocese needs project management, gap analysis, data services, business process re-engineering, change management, or other types of consulting, our team of diocesan specialists offers a finely tuned, proven approach to organized and collaborative services. For an analysis of your software and service needs, or for a referral from a current customer, contact us today.