Simple Adjustments to Become a More Welcoming Parish

Below is an excerpt from the new book Becoming a Welcoming Church. Your parish can become more welcoming, because regardless of how welcoming you may think it already is there are always ways you can improve.

Here are some simple adjustments that cost little to nothing that will have great results:

  1. Check the website – Your parish’s website is its front door to guests. The content and design need to be focused on them, not on the members.
  2. Do a facility audit – A dirty or unkempt children’s area will turn guests away from your church.
  3. Train a welcome team – It doesn’t take a lot of work to train a welcome team. It just takes intentionality.
  4. Keep greeters in the worship center – Door greeters are great but having someone to greet those in the worship center may be more important.
  5. Paint a room – sometimes a new coat of paint can make all the difference. It makes a statement.
  6. Get some inexpensive (plastic) signs – you need signage inside and outside of the building for directions and encouragement.  Some examples include signs for parking, guest parking, nursery, pre-school, restrooms, thanks for visiting, you are now entering the mission field and so forth.

Resources for more ideas:

Is your parish ready to become more welcoming?  Contact a ParishSOFT Sales Consultant to find out how to manage your parish guests and to help you make them full-time parishioners.

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