ParishSOFT 2017: A Year in Review

ParishSOFT Conference

Empowering Churches. Changing Lives. ParishSOFT adopted this motto for 2017 to reflect our mission to the Catholic Church throughout the United States and North America.  Empowering Churches means improving our software, increasing performance levels, adding new features and functionality, expanding our support services and strengthening our relationship with over 9000 parishes in 185 arch/dioceses.

ParishSOFT’s four core components, Family Suite for dioceses and parishes, Accounting, and Online Giving all experienced tremendous growth.  It has been especially wonderful to receive the positive feedback from parishes who are now using ParishSOFT Giving.  The ability to reach donors using technology results in wider engagement and provides sustained giving for ministries and outreach – all part of the second part of ParishSOFT’s 2017 motto – Changing Lives!

The beginning of 2017 brought a focused emphasis on improving performance and resolving issues within the Family Suite platform and its various modules.  The members of the Product, Development, and Quality Assurance Teams met substantial goals by increasing efficiencies and amplifying their commitment to do their very best.  These efforts continued throughout the year.  The close of 2017 emphasized diocesan features in the Family Suite product.  Phase 1 of this initiative came out in early December with plans to continue this vital work throughout 2018.

2017 also marked two significant milestones in our company’s journey.  In early May, ParishSOFT recognized its 5000th customer for Family Suite.  St. Joseph Parish in Fort Wayne, Indiana holds that distinction and a group from the parish were recognized at our annual Users’ Conference – Nexus 2017.  This year’s conference was also significant as it was the 10th Users’ Conference Anniversary and we hosted it back home in Ann Arbor.

All of this is not possible without recognizing one of the true strengths of ParishSOFT – the people who work day in and day out in partnership with our customers.  The dedication and servant heart attitude of our team members is extraordinary.  It reflects a sense of purpose that makes a difference in the life of the Church.  ParishSOFT is honored to have a part in this mission.  Thank you for the opportunity to be of service and we look forward to 2018 and all it will bring!

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