Initial Launch Checklist
Get your online giving program off to a powerful start with these initial tasks and communications to your parishioners. Use this checklist in your planning meetings with parish staff, pastor, and finance/parish council. Set a date for your “launch” (a Sunday will probably work best) and work backwards to set due dates for each item.
Download a printable version of the initial launch checklist.
Publish pre-launch announcement for pulpit, bulletin, and website
Due: 1 to 6 weeks out from launch
Create a sense of anticipation and get members comfortable with language like “online giving,” “text-to-give,” “recurring gifts,” etc.
Post a link to your ParishSOFT Giving portal on the church website
Due: anytime prior to launch
Include links to FAQs and program information. Use an online giving button, if desired.
Send program introduction letter and mailing insert on ParishSOFT Giving
Due: mail/email should arrive just a day or two prior to launch
Mail and emails should go to all church members. You never know who will be interested in giving online!
Announce at church services
Due: Begin at launch date, and continue for weeks #2 and #3
Begin with the Week #1 Pulpit Announcement.
Announce in bulletin, newsletter, and website
Due: Week #2—add to pulpit announcement.
Begin with the Week #1 Bulletin and Website Announcement.
Create and include an announcement in your new parishioner packets to promote ParishSOFT Giving
Due: anytime prior to launch
Place ParishSOFT Giving posters in gathering areas
Due: Time to coincide with week #1 announcement.
Hallways, coffee room, classrooms, bulletin boards are good places to start.
Stock info cards in-pews
Due: Time printing so cards are available when you deliver week #1 announcement.
Place at pew ends or in songbooks.
Stock “I Gave Online” cards
Due: Time printing so cards are available on same weekend as week #1 announcement.
Place in church entryway, recycle and replace after offertory for reuse.
Test drive for members
Due: Time to coincide with weekly pulpit announcements in step 4.
Create “false personas” for members to test with and set up kiosks or other stations in your church.